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Timeline History

October 2005

CS IT Solutions Ltd begins operation following its formation and successful management buy-out. This is the starting point of the company's journey, and it begins to offer its services and products to customers in the market. The company's management team and staff work together to establish the company's reputation in the market and to build a loyal customer base. 

February 2007

CS IT Solutions Ltd signs a five-year maintenance contract with the Town Planning Department, which is a key customer. This contract is for the maintenance and support of the vertical system that was installed by the company. This is a significant milestone for the company as it demonstrates the effectiveness of the software products and the trust placed in the company by the Town Planning Department. During this five-year period, the company provides ongoing maintenance and support to the Town Planning Department, ensuring that the software is running smoothly and that any issues are addressed quickly and efficiently. This contract also provides a stable and predictable revenue stream for the company.

April 2007

As part of its efforts to expand its product offerings and services to its customers, CS IT Solutions Ltd enters into an exclusive agreement with LAVISOFT SA, a software company. The agreement allows CS IT Solutions Ltd to sell, implement and provide support services for LAVISOFT's ERMIS ERP and LVS HR Master & Payroll Systems. These systems are enterprise resource planning (ERP) and human resources management systems (HRMS) that offer a comprehensive set of features such as financial management, inventory management, payroll, human resources management, and more. This agreement is a strategic move for CS IT Solutions Ltd, as it allows the company to offer a more complete set of solutions to its customers and to expand its market share in the ERP and HRMS space.

June 2007

As part of its services, CS IT Solutions Ltd helps its customers prepare for the Euro introduction in Cyprus. The company installs the first phase of the changes required for the Euro introduction at all customer sites, which includes the capability to show double pricing on invoices and other documents. This is a significant task as it requires updating the software systems and processes to ensure compliance with the new regulations. This shows the company's commitment to help its customers navigate the transition to the Euro and comply with the new regulations.


Additionally, the company also installs the LAVISOFT HR Master at Armonia Estates, a company member of the Leptos Group. This system is a human resources management system (HRMS) that offers a comprehensive set of features such as employee management, payroll, benefits administration, and more. The installation of this system at Armonia Estates is a significant achievement for the company as it demonstrates the company's ability to provide a complete set of solutions to its customers and expand its market share in the HRMS space.

January 2008

Following the successful implementation of the first phase of changes required for the Euro Introduction in Cyprus, CS IT Solutions Ltd continues to help its customers prepare for the transition by installing the second phase of changes. This phase includes the conversion of all amounts as at 1st January 2008 from Cyprus Pounds to Euro. This is a complex task that requires updating all financial data and records, as well as the software systems used by the customers. The company's experienced team of consultants and engineers work closely with the customers to ensure a smooth transition, by providing guidance and support throughout the process. This level of service and support helps to build trust and loyalty among the customers and solidifies the company's reputation as a reliable and dependable IT solutions provider.

November 2008

As part of its agreement with LAVISOFT SA, CS IT Solutions Ltd undertakes the support and maintenance of the installations of the ERMIS ERP and LVS HR Master and Payroll Systems in Cyprus. This means that the company is responsible for providing ongoing maintenance and support for these systems to ensure that they are running smoothly and efficiently. This includes troubleshooting any issues that may arise, performing regular maintenance to optimize performance, and providing updates and upgrades as needed. The company's team of experienced consultants and engineers are experts in these systems and are able to provide fast and effective support to customers. This level of service and support is crucial for ensuring that the customers are able to fully utilize the software products to achieve the maximum benefits.

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